You too, enter the world of CopyTecnica…
The company has been in the business for40 years. It specialized right away in sales of office machines such as fotocopiers, calculators, typewriters, telefax and drafting machines, besides technical office products and supplies.
It subsequently widened its range of products to planning and selling of furniture and office chairs in wood, laminate and metal.
In 1985 it opened as a "first" a copy centre with office services in Schio, with the absolute novelty of sending and receiving fax and planning, printing and binding of graduation thesis … A centre that is highly rated until today for its professionalism, reliability, availability, the competence that distinguishes it and makes a difference …
In 1992 it began importing and selling the Geochron, the exclusive Geographic world map with time zones, famous all over the world.
Our company dynamically adapts to the demands of the market and it is always present with avantguard products …